2023 Lions Point Circuit

Please contact Mr. Hanford with updates to your scores at LionsKaratePointCircuit@gmail.com

No cost / membership to be part of the Lions Karate Circuit

Click here to see the Lions Karate Competitors Invited to the State Championship on January 13th at Concordia Seminary to face the other Top 5 Competitors from the TKA, PKC, and USAMA

2023 Point Circuit Standings

(please remember that points in multiple divisions due to birthdays or belt promotions will be added as follows: whichever division you have the most points in at the end of the year, will gain all the points from the other division – this could cause some competitors to have all their points moved up with them, or have all their “new” points moved back to their old division because they gained more points in that previous division)

CLICK HERE for the Final Placings with combined points – Awards Placements

Forms – Click here

Weapons – Click here

Sparring – Click here


1st place = 4 points

2nd place = 3 points

3rd place = 2 points

4th place = 1 point