2023 Points Standings for the Banquet

Here are the Final Placements after combining points from multiple divisions and after the deadline to send in point corrections.

(please remember that points in multiple divisions due to birthdays or belt promotions will be added as follows: whichever division you have the most points in at the end of the year, will gain all the points from the other division – this could cause some competitors to have all their points moved up with them, or have all their “new” points moved back to their old division because they gained more points in that previous division)

Please send any updates or missed results / points to LionsKaratePointCircuit@gmail.com – Deadline 12/31/23

To better see these images, you can save the image to your computer and zoom in when you open in from your downloaded file, or you can use your phone to zoom in on the page easier. Sorry for the small print.